The Art within Analytical Techniques
To date, there are some 84 “Techniques” Essays archived here (following the present essay). That’s approximately 85,000 words of how-to insights in astrology, in terms of analytical techniques! –How much of this have you read, absorbed, put into practice?
In order to be on the high side of utilization of this vast resource of technique, we need to have the fitting attitude for a creative astrologer. There’s an attitude, a point of view involved here, most definitely: what are techniques for? What do I do with them? How do they make me a better astrologer?
Techniques Organize.Within our presumption of individuation, as astrological measurements go from the general to the ultra-specific, we know we must necessarily deal with a myriad number of those measurements to reflect the human spectrum … and more. Similes involving the number of grains of sand on an ocean shore come to mind.
The fundamental attitude for the astrologer is to know that his or her key analytical technique begins by gaining entrance to the individual’s spectrum of needs and behaviors, his or her living profile. –The contrary choice is to see nothing but pieces to a jigsaw puzzle the picture of which is unknown.
Upon what is this first orientation based? How are personal behavioral faculties arranged within the complexity of development … in the early home, throughout socialization dynamics, and into plans and dreams for the future? What shows us this? What conditions all of this? What do you see when you first look at a horoscope?
Our techniques must constantly organize our client’s potentials and our thoughts about them. –Within our miracle of astrology, we can learn to see this so quickly, through Hemisphere Emphasis [Astrological Techniques, see Hemisphere Emphasis, July 15, 1999; see “Synthesis & Counseling” pages 5-35; see DVD Vol. 1, the first twenty minutes!] Organizational awareness immediately approaches the wholeness of the individual; the bewildering array of parts is quickly tamed into meaningfulness. –And once we learn this, we know it forever.
Techniques Synthesize The fascinating thing about the organization of anything –from a good spaghetti sauce to housekeeping to insightful astrological analysis— is that isolated ingredients, units, faculties come together; they relate, they complement, they hold together reasonably, with effect. This is synthesis. The whole begins to emerge with an identity profile that is more than the sum of its parts.
Part of the appreciation of synthesis is the “Why” of inter-relating thoughts. What is the causal relationship between this an that?: what does too much acid do to a smooth-base salad dressing … Why does that happen? Why does a picture hung inappropriately affect the balance and flow of a room? If defense mechanisms are suggested, why are they needed? How are potentials conditioned in the development process?
The magical understanding of the process of synthesis is based upon the behavioral fact that the initial organization of individual predisposition, if you will, repeats itself over and over and over and over again as measurements gather on that base. A fundamental defensive orientation in life, for example, will permeate the mid-set profile as it is added to the mix; feelings of self-worth anxiety in the earliest years will be carried over into adult relationships; acknowledgement of behavioral clusters reveals routined fears as well as clearly formulated needs projected to hope for fulfillment.
This understanding is not difficult, but it usually must be taught; few of us have it naturally. –The alternative is again chaotic: feeling swamped and bewildered by “parts” of a puzzle, living in a this-means-that arena that ends up with no meaning at all. Looking for more and more and more parts.
I would suggest that not learning organization and synthesis skills explains why there are few astrologers than there should be on top of the mountain.
Techniques reveal Importance In George W. Bush’s horoscope, the total Eastern Hemisphere (defensive, lack of confidence) orientation, accentuated with Mercury conjunct the Ascendant and Pluto (contradictory power perspective within the defensive profile), with Mercury ruling the 11th and the 3rd . With the Moon there, we see the “selling of a bill of goods.” And what about Mars-unaspected in Virgo ruling the 10th? All this is very important synthesis. It relates diffidence with the attractiveness of power, with this kept in the mind-set to please a parent, in whose light he feels less than sure, proud, loved. Saturn square the Midheaven fit into that synthesis as well. What about Uranus oriental? This adds taking risks to make things happen for self-extrication. [See Analytical Techniques, November 30, 1999; Synthesis & Counselingpages 155-190; DVD, smack in the middle } –What will be the overcompensations to frame all this in reality development? And, before we know it, we actually know what we’re doing!!
Isn’t that more important than Jupiter ruling the 5th squaring the Sun, trining Uranus, ruler of the 7th and 8th –which probably boosts Bush’s in-bed profile, certainly a reasonable macho-overstatement?
Synthesis triggers the astrologer’s intelligence, common sense, creativity. We learn to build a scenario of development from the organization and synthesis of parts and we frame identity emergence on a scale of importance. What are the needs being fulfilled here? –Just look at Bush’s Jupiter-Moon statement of his “reigning need”, to be popular, enjoyed, respected … and sticking to the detailed course is the way, he thinks, to achieving that.
–Let’s remember the marvelous quote attributed to Einstein, which cuts through the wandering dabbling among disorganized parts, the avoidance of synthesis:genius is knowing what’s important!
Let’s really learn our craft, our art.