Hemisphere Emphasis
Within analysis of astrology’s guiding measurements, the creative astrologer must include as much reference as possible to real life, the developmental process. All deductions must be directed to relating the horoscope to the reality being lived by the client.
We are helped in this approach to real-life orientation during development, in a flash, by Hemisphere Emphasis in the horoscope: we can see and understand the orientation to defensiveness and self-protection (of the Ascendant) when the majority of planets are orientated to the East of the horoscope (and/or when planets to the West are conspicuously retrograde, calling attention contrapuntally to the East). The questions then, to guide the analysis, are, why is the defensiveness needed, how much energy has been routined in self-protection throughout development, what has this done to the comfort level with relationships, how long must this posture continue?
We can see and understand an alarm about “unfinished business” in the early homelife registered by planets orientated conspicuously to the North, below the horizon (and/or when planets above the horizon are retrograde, calling attention contrapuntally to the North). The questions then are, what about this unfinished business in the early homelife, what keeps it going in your life now, how has it affected your job development, your professional choices, your relationships, what can we do about it to put it to rest, to stop the drain-off of energy?
We can see and understand the orientation to “others,” often manifested in the extreme “giving away” of the Self, when the strong majority of planets is orientated to the West of the horoscope (and/or when planets to the East are conspicuously retrograde, calling attention to the West contrapuntally). The questions are, what has happened to your own self-interests with so much caring for others, how do you understand your being pulled away like this, what are the self-worth concerns involved, when do you think a balance can be reached and what will it take for that to happen?
We can see and understand the orientation to being swept away by events, even to being victimized, when the strong majority of planets is orientated to the South, above the horizon (and/or with Northern counterpoint). The questions are, why does there seem to be no anchor here for development, what’s missing in terms of grounding, how has this affected relationships?
This first impression of the horoscope is almost always crucially telling. This first impression based upon the general patterning of the planets within the horoscope hemispheres repeats itself over and over and over again throughout all other measurements. A tonality is established for the life composition.
[Further Study: Tyl, Synthesis & Counseling in Astrology, pages 5-34]