Royal Watchers
[To appreciate what we can learn here, it is essential to have all the horoscopes before you, the double-ringed SA horoscope drawn for now, July 2006.]
Prince Charles (November 14, 1948 at 9:14 PM GMT in London) and his wife Camilla (July 17, 1947 at 7:10 AM GDW in London) have some very keen developmental tensions at hand, afoot, coming up!
Building right now in June 2006: SA Saturn=Node (exact in August ’06). This measurement suggests a set of serious matters affecting a sense of aloneness, in relationships, from those with spouse to those couched in public opinion. This is reinforced by tr Saturn simultaneously opposing Charles’ natal Sun/Moon picture (at 11 Aquarius).
This is leading into the difficult Arc picture of Pluto q=Moon (emotional intensity, upheavals; Moon ruling the12th) exact in October ’06. –However, on top of this, is the measurement of tr Jupiter conjunct his Sun, also in October ’06. And we must also see Pluto as ruler of Charles’ 5th, referring to his son(s) … see below.
Camilla is just emerging from her second tr Saturn-return, also conjunct Pluto, with tr Uranus square Mars, ruler of her 10th, March-June ’06. He father, with whom she was very close, died in June 2006.
Coinciding with Charles activity in mid-’06, Camilla has her SA Midheaven conjoining her Mars, ruler of her Midheaven (growth or responsibility; change of status).
–This set of measurements suggests that Charles may be given some very special responsibilities to serve the Kingdom, to fulfill the career-pinnacle focus we expect from the tr Saturn return (his second also, building to October ’07).
… If the marriage were in difficulty, this set of measurements would not augur well for restoring harmony. But all circumstances considered, I think we are seeing an “activation” of the Duke of Windsor, with which his wife might not feel entirely comfortable. [Keep this in mind when studying the sons’ situation below.]
Going further:
Then in the period June-October 2007, a year from now, Charles takes on SA Moon=Uranus, ruler of his 7th (emotional individuation; tensions) and the tr Saturn return, against a backdrop of SA Pluto=Venus, ruler of his 4th and 11th (compulsiveness, wasting emotions).
–If Charles were in his thirties, all these measurements would suggest a wayward lean in the emotions department, upsetting the marriage relationship. But in the royal circumstances and age category, this could well suggest that his new responsibilities could be in reconstruction, architectural restoration and rejuvenation of landmarks for the Realm, and not predominantly personal in reference.
But it is undeniable that all this will be perplexing to the Prince in his accomplished marital state and accustomed low bureaucratic profile: we note tr Neptune squaring his Sun, ruling his Ascendant, April-July 2007, with SA Moon=Uranus and tr Saturn square Sun.
We can also offer a health alert in the midst of these tensions at this age; the Moon rules the 12th and the Sun rules the Ascendant. And Camilla shows SA Mars=Saturn, ruler of her 6th (her husband’s derived twelfth) exact in June 2008 with tr Uranus square Uranus, ruler of her 7th.
Still further:
Camilla shows the mighty measurement SA Pluto=MC exact January 2010 along with Sun=Uranus, ruler of her 7th, immediately followed by tr Saturn conjunct her 4th, with tr Saturn conjunct HIS 4th (Charles and Camilla have the same Angles within 2 degrees.) This is very, very significant. And it reflects pointedly upon her husband. If Charles were to become ill, we could think the worse; if Charles is placed into a strategic successor-to-the-throne position, we could think the most challenging.
… Endlessly fascinating. I have maintained publicly for thirteen or fourteen years that Charles would/will never be King. But Charles must do something, and these measurements perhaps show the way, and the baggage that may try the marriage significantly with major transition. We would surely know of the former, but not of the latter. We shall see, of course. –Might it be a behind-the-scenes strategy agreement that William be groomed for rise to the throne, by-passing Charles?
…And then there are Charles’ sons’ horoscopes in dramatic array: Prince William (June 21, 1982 at 9:03 PM GMD in Paddington, London) with Uranus=Neptune,Asc, with tr Pluto conjunct the Ascendant (July-November ’07, followed by the awesomely important Uranus=Ascendant, exact in June ’09 with tr Saturn conjunct the Ascendant … and so much more into ’10. –And young Harry (September 15, 1984 at 4:20 PM GMD in London): MH=Uranus all next year (recognition of some personal exertion, some statement of who he is, with most of his training behind him, all this followed by tr Uranus opposed Sun … and so much more into ’10.
And the Queen
Queen Elizabeth rules all of this, of course. [April 21, 1926 at 2:40 AM GMD in London]. And in the midst of it all –with SA Midheaven now=Moon (enormous ego-consciousness … about succession?) and SA Saturn building to opposition with the Moon, exact January 2007—we see culmination with Moon=Sun in Summer ’07 (announcement?) leading into 2008-’09 with tr Neptune square her Midheaven.
–It’s all there leading into ’09-’10.
Comments? Observations? Especially from our U.K. colleagues who know so much more about the Royals swirl than we do!?
Noel Tyl (6/13/06)