Professional Conference with NoelTyl
on your Client Work
Some horoscopes are very difficult, elusive, obscure, especially challenging. Often, a “second opinion” helps organize horoscope analysis. Noel Tyl offers this “second opinion” consultation service: how to find the central theme of a particular horoscope, how to synthesize competitive aspect patterns, how to locate the emotional significances living in aspect structures, how to identify the developmental periods of the past, etc. Please see the four examples below.
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Example 4
Example 1
The complex aspect patterns here are bewildering. For example, how does that Grand Cross among Pluto-Mars and Saturn-Node work out (and is that really a Grand Cross?), especially with the Earth Grand Trine involved as well. And how does this obviously important Mercury fit in here; it doesn’t make any aspect, yet it’s the final dispositor!? I’d appreciate your input about how to organize and prepare the horoscope analysis for this 60-year old lady.
Discussion Outline
First of all, note the hemisphere emphasis pattern: the retrogradation above the horizon calls attention dramatically to what is below the horizon; the Northern hemisphere is emphasized clearly. Immediately, we expect significant unfinished business in the early developmental times in the home. These have to be checked out to appreciate the beginnings of development.
Next, we check the parental axis: Neptune is conjunct the 4th, diffusing personality development, suggesting confusion in the early home. The tightness of the conjunction even suggests something critical at the actual birth period that sets up tremendous insecurity issues. This has to be discussed.
This deduction is corroborated by the fact that Neptune rules one arm of the parental axis, the 10th. Neptune is conjunct Venus, ruler of Libra also in the 4th. Internal consistency to what we’ve first surmised — unfinished business in the early home causing development problems — is building up.
Second, we check the Saturn and Node keys (father relationship, mother relationship, when pronouncedly involved). Here Saturn is retrograde: there is enormous probability that the father was somehow taken out of the picture very early in the life, or was there and passive, or so tyrannical — any combination — so as not to have given the guidance of authoritative love. Additionally, the Saturn retrograde is placed in the 11th signifying a tremendous need for love.
Third, Saturn’s position on the Nodal axis (or square it, within 2 degrees normally) suggests strongly that the mother ran the show, was all-pervasive.
The analysis is building that there was a tough time in the early homelife. [This client actually responded: “Yep! My father disappeared as soon as I was born. My mother was the only thing left, but she worked all the time; I raised myself.” Her delivery was dry as a bone; clipped and short.]
The fourth consideration is that the mind is everything here, a dot-every-I cross-every-T intelligence; quick, glib conversation, terrific persuasion, but with minimal emotional registration probably (Venus in Virgo etc.) with the education undoubtedly interrupted. (While the significator of the 9th House, Uranus, is not under conspicuous developmental tension, at age 18 — the time the astrologer should check very carefully — there was transiting Pluto conjunct the Moon, ruler of the Ascendant, while transiting Saturn squared Mercury and crossed the 7th. This lady married precipitously to get away from the home; a familiar pattern.) The interrupted education defeated the potential of the mind to bloom; took away credentialization; diminished resources; isolated the ego in development.
The fifth consideration is that the organism developing in the midst of all this self-reliance and the lack of relationship modeling in the home, is going to need defenses, and here we have the classic defense mechanism of the Grand Trine, in earth, a closed circuit of practical self-sufficiency. Since neither the Sun nor Moon is involved within the Grand Trine, it operates independently from the mind-dominant Sun-Moon blend. She sets herself up as dry, independent, self-contained. What does that do to relationship? [Note that Saturn retrograde rules the 7th.]
This lady actually said, “I have no emotions, not even pain·”. How is that related to the early home bewilderment, isolation, etc.? this is the track for analytical discussion.
There is much more here that would be covered in the discussion·the Mercury isolation, the health profile reflecting the accumulated developmental deficit combing with the aging process and the second Saturn return at 60! · measurement keys for the future, like the growth of spirituality with tr. Neptune opposing Pluto throughout 1999·and why that is important ·
Example 2
I’m having difficulty with this horoscope because of three things:
- there’s only one square, Uranus-Venus, which shoots into the 7th;
- the Full-Moon birth seems comfortable for relationship, with the Sun ruling the 7th;
- everything looks confident, but there are the strong retrogradation accents and Neptune conjunct Mercury, co-ruler of the 7th.
The woman is due for the Uranus transit of her Ascendant starting Summer 1999? Do we have a big late-in-life break up here?
Discussion Outline
There is a lot more developmental tension here than the Uranus-Venus square.
First of all, whenever the Ascendant ruler is retrograde or under high developmental tension, the chances are extremely high that identity development will be difficult, more than what is normal. I note that this woman was born in Poland in late 1943; the war tensions would be considerable upon the family, and Uranus so close to the fourth cusp certainly would lead into a discussion about this, followed up emphatically by the Saturn retrograde phenomenon.
Second, Saturn retrograde is quindecile (quin-deh-chee’-lay; 165 degrees) to the Midheaven. This is a powerful, even obsessive focusing of unresolved paternal issues within this woman. Will this be transferred to husband(s)? Additionally, this Saturn is tightly semisquare to the Nodal axis, bringing in extreme maternal influence as well, perhaps by default somehow (from the father’s perspective).
Third, with the Western hemisphere emphasis, the woman is probably giving herself to others to an extreme, leaving herself behind. We would have to check this out. Is that tendency overcompensatory to find relationship fulfillment because the relationship modeling in the home was drastically upset in the early years?
Assuming that these deductions gather steam in the consultation discussion, let’s look at the defense mechanism in the life, the Neptune conjunction with Mercury and Venus: IDEALISM, backed up powerfully by Neptune being oriental (rising last before the Sun does in clockwise motion). Are this woman’s relationships marking the way to some kind of illusory idealistic fulfillment? How practical is that? How many bumps in the road have been incurred in this process?
It’s interesting to note as well that the Aries Point (zero Cardinals) is equal to Sun-Moon / Venus! This is public registration of aesthetic. Somehow, this woman is probably using her idealistic mind-set to relate to others aesthetically, creatively (Sun in Libra; Venus quintile Saturn) to make up for a desultory beginning. The bad times early on probably have been repeated in her private life, her husband(s); that’s what usually happens.
We would need to know about age 54, just recently, when SA Pluto=Neptune came into play. This is almost always a time (Neptune and Pluto, Pluto and Neptune relating in just about any developing way) of special hypersensitive study, the paranormal, the bizarre, the occult, somehow having keen significance. This could well be the preparation for the high change due with the Uranian transit late in 1999 and into 2000. Perhaps she is spiritually fortified now to stand strong and independent of her past debilitations and present marital disharmony (ego fulfillment at last, the need to be numero uno, Moon in Aries). Note as well that at the same time with tr. Uranus crossing the Ascendant she will have tr. Pluto conjunct the Midheaven. This is perhaps the biggest time of her life.
[In reality, when this woman’s father returned from the war in Poland and Germany, her parents divorced immediately. “Idealism” is the woman’s ‘middle name,’ as it were. Marriage difficulties abounded in her life, and she found expression and freedom through running her own flower shop, as a social outlet as well as a profitable business. Most recently she took of the study of esoteric healing methods (8th House; sun in the 8th, Venus rulership, square Uranus, Ascendant ruler, opposing the Midheaven) and is preparing herself to leave her alcoholic husband.]
Example 3
Please discuss with me a vocational guidance angle for this young woman. She’s been a drop-out for so much of her life. I can’t get a bead on the best vocational direction for her. Any ideas?Discussion Outline
This lady surely wears her emotions on her sleeve; the Moon is at zero Cancer (the Aries Point; zero cardinals, a forward thrust). She’s all caught up with needs for home security, and her nervous system is working overtime to idealize all of this; ‘some day, my prince will come!’ (Mercury-Venus conjunction at the 7th cusp; Sun in Gemini, New Moon in the7th) Additionally, the hemisphere emphasis to the southwest: this woman is so vulnerable to being taken advantage of, i.e., anything to be loved in a relationship, properly, ideally! Such pronounced complexes are usually overcompensatory for something else, and here it has got to be the Saturn retrograde phenomenon, possibly related somehow to a brother, a big brother who exploited her as well? Note that Neptune is peregrine, a tremendous idealized, possibly creative force unleashed in every direction. When SA Neptune came to the Ascendant at age 22 ½ (a normally expected ‘wipe-out’ time for the ego), transiting Neptune had just been opposing the Moon for almost two years. This must have been her major drop-out time. We would have to check that out carefully. Note that the arc of Saturn to the fourth cusp (SA Saturn=MC) came into play immediately thereafter at age 23 ½. This is another punctuation of one tough time for this lady. Solar Arc Neptune went on to oppose Mercury and Venus. If she was married, it probably ended under this onslaught of difficulty. I would even look for a nervous breakdown, but this reality will come out in your discussion. What happened at the transit-Saturn return? In early 1993, and then when tr. Saturn crossed the fourth cusp. This was probably the time of escape, change, getting on the track again. Vocationally, under the best circumstances this woman needs to be with the public (Moon in the 7th, etc.; the Aries Point) doing something creative (note that there are seven quintile aspects!!, three of them with the Moon). With Neptune peregrine, ruling the 4th, we’ve got to consider the home in this vocational profile also. The education is the key: the education was probably interrupted (the Pluto-Mars-Uranus conjunction squaring the Ascendant, etc.) but resumed, with the Sun ruling the 9th and well aspected, also with three quintile contacts. Under the best conditions: an architect; under probable conditions, interior designer, making the perfect, idealized home for others. [In reality, this woman suffered terribly under the oppression of a Middle East father and brother, took on enormous culture shock in the United States, got involved with wayward marriages, entered the drug world, rescued herself, returned to Art School, and became an interior designer.]Example 4
This fellow sounds bright on the telephone, yet I sense that down deep he is really depressed. His chart suggests a tremendous tension in relationships. But I can’t get past this or make specific inroads about what the difficulty might be. What can I look forward to to help him?Discussion Outline
The Sun-Moon blend in this horoscope promises lots of intelligence and innovation, keen communication, extreme people-sensitivity. It’s the intelligence best used for a social cause. But there are some strong ‘short-circuits’ in development. First, whenever the ruler of the Ascendant is retrograde or under heavy developmental tension, we can expect difficulty in identity development. Here is such a case with the Ascendant ruled by Saturn retrograde. To top it off, this Saturn is conjunct the Nodal Axis, suggesting a powerhouse mother who rules all, somehow by default from the father. This would leave the man in limbo with regard to appropriate parental modeling and supportive, loving interaction in the early home. This is reinforced by the fact that Pluto, ruling the parental 10th, is square to the Sun in the fourth! Whenever Pluto is square, conjunct, or opposed the Sun, the open-sesame phrase for client discussions, “A pattern here in the horoscope suggests that there’s a blanket over your hand-grenade!” This sounds bizarre, but for people with this natal aspect, it is tremendously meaningful. It saves a thousand words of discussion and it gets right into the salient issues. There is even further corroboration of all this through the Uranus opposition with the Moon and the Northern orientation of the horoscope, unfinished business in the early home. The parental profile is a mess, and this is going to be projected, obviously, into relationships: the Moon, ruler of the 7th, is opposed by Uranus in the 7th; the Sun, co-ruler of the 7th is squared by Pluto in the 7th. Then, there is Neptune squared to the Saturn-Nodal axis, suggesting the maternal influence is bizarre, strange to an extreme, and dominating. Note that this Neptune rules the man’s 2nd House, the House of self-worth. So much anxiety must be taken on there through the parental situation, focused mainly on the mother, debilitating the self-worth profile. Additionally, Ascendant=Venus/Saturn suggests a fear of not being accepted. Jupiter, ruler of the 11th, love received, hoped for, assumed, needed, is opposed by Pluto, and the need to feel lovable is jeopardized too. This is a very difficult set of affairs that has to be explored in consultation, perhaps with a referral to a psychotherapist. [In reality: the client was very talkative and, with keen intelligence, understood, indeed anticipated, the creative connections made in the cursory analysis. The father and mother were extremely neurotic, the mother exceedingly hyperactive. He was subjected to much verbal abuse from his parents. All of this was extended into his own personal relationships: he said, “it’s creepy how my fiancée reminds me of my mother, who has been the conductor of my life.” [The client had already enrolled in a support group — the “Men’s Council” — working to ‘heal wounds.’ In his career as an actor, he did brilliant work portraying someone else; in his private life he was totally dependent on parental molding or maternal surrogates. His understanding of this and the Support Group discussions were the first major steps to recovery.]Information about You
All work is strictly confidential. Submit the information requested below. Noel Tyl will e-mail you promptly with your earliest appointment time to telephone him for a private conference on the horoscope you are working on. The conference will work to be optimally informative and helpful, lasting up to 20 minutes ($25 fee to be paid by credit card at the time of the call.) You and Noel will solve problems skillfully, learning a great deal to pass on to your client.
- Please note that there are 12 years' worth of essays, some 140 in this department, some 130,000 words for your study. Just scroll past the end of the current essay and enjoy your library! In total --the three clearly marked departments: some 400,000 words.