
All astrology is fa...
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All astrology is fake

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Posts: 8
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Joined: 9 months ago


It's curious that this thread has attracted a good number of views but the question I posed on Astrology's relation to Spirituality has stirred no interest. Obviously, that  in itself is an answer to the question posed there.

I was recently reading the Wikipedia article 'Astrology' detailing the failures of astrologers during scientific testing. It seems a hopeless task: proving the reality of Astrology. To do that will require a shift in how we think about Astrology - it is not the event-defining system that many believe it to be. On the 'old' version of this forum I posted a primary insight on the nature of Astrology - a geocentric chart is a topological map of the Earth's planetary neighbourhood. Continuing with the topological idea leads to a comprehensive model of Astrology's structure and dynamics, something separate from the work of the sciences - a top-down organising system for the living world that operates in addition to the material models of science.

In my experience, the primary effect of transits (to birth chart features) is to subtly alter the inner mindscape - how we think and feel which may, or may not, lead to action or external events. I have experienced many major transits where the outcomes of that mind-shift had consequences for my own development but contributed little to my immediate world. There is another level of astrological influence affecting 'the world' as a whole - planets in signs: a global effect on the 'we, here and now' altering the social environment - the public mindset. This aspect of reality can be tracked by behavioural trends in the populous as a whole. In my book I detail the effects of Pluto in Scorpio - for myself and others. This is the aspect of Astrology we need to focus on, at least in the first instance.


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