Where does time Go?
Einstein is quoted, “I don’t worry about the future. The future comes soon enough.”
The sense of this is that “worrying” about the future hastens its arrival, so to speak; it brings to us anticipated effects from time ahead, usually drastic effects. –Is this harmful to developing reality? Does it complicate preparations for time and projects ahead? Is it a waste of time?!
And this easily gives way to “thinking makes it so.”
Many quotable bits of wisdom are based upon a collection of folk experience that articulates dimensions of culture. –To complement this, I could, for example, point out that Time is different elsewhere and say, for China, “Patience lets time create history.”
My venerable Latin teacher long ago thrilled our young class with illumination of “Tempus Fugit.” –And still today, I ask, to where does time fly?
Fascinating, really.
When I present the Einstein quote to clients under pressure, I’m greeted with a relaxing laugh at the humor of the statement. This mindset is really “Well, I can’t do anything about.” It’s a refreshing reminder. –And Einstein might then comment, “Well, time keeps everything from happening all at once!” –These thoughts do help us in difficult situations.
If we can manipulate time, it must have quantum dimension; it must be some-thing. We do measure time, and isn’t it remarkable that our measurements of time combine symbolic quanta (like Arcs and Progressions) and real-time experience (like transits), and they seem to sing the same song so very often, filling time with meaning. –Such are the mysteries we work with!
How might we be aware of/alter the “feel” of time ahead? –For example, when there is intense family discussion about making a major move, we talk of seeing ourselves in the new location, or not seeing ourselves there. The so-called mind’s eye” is working! Through visualization we are experiencing time ahead of time.
We’re going to have an operation and we’re frightened. We can only dwell on what the surgeon will be doing in time ahead, that which few of us technically understand. Might it be more helpful to think of the wondrous sleep we will have from the anesthetic, while surrounded by caring people doing their best for us? A new chapter will be awakened.To gain its value, time does offer choice.
How often have you asked yourself, “What day is today anyway? It feels like a Sunday.” —How does a Sunday feel? It’s determined of course by awareness of the environment, traffic sounds, number of people at home, here and there, television programming, children about, meal plans, etc. Time conditions us so deeply.
It all comes down to awareness, doesn’t it? The more involved we are with the passage of time –the activities within time– the faster it seems to fly. And perhaps that’s the point of time: to contain and define our individual development. If we know this –really know it– we can participate in the process and affect it: speed it up with enthusiasm and drive, slow it down with prudence and patience, color it significantly to please our plan.