
April 22, 2024

Arcing the Quindecile –New Research!!

Arcing the Quindecile! –Hot Stuff!! No research has been done to date on arcing the powerful quindecile aspect [see “Analytical Techniques”, Archives August 1, 1999 and August 31, 2001]. I’m starting to do that research, and I have some immediately confirming evidence for its validity: obsession in action, in high focus! Here is some of that evidence: Do…

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Development Scenario over Eventology

Management of Measurement Constructs Development Scenario over Eventology! Please re-read the Notebook essay archived below, posted on February 20, 2001. It’s about in the horoscope and in life —theway to go for rich analysis in astrology. There is a silent struggle going on as we learn astrology. The specter of fatalistic claims-to-fame from the past merge…

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Emotional Responses Out of the Way

Management of Measurement ConstructsEmotional Responses Out of the Way In my carrier, I have done hundreds of “German” horoscopes. I have heard hundreds of WWII horror stories, Concentration Camp stories, etc. [No, the horoscope does not show concentration camp internment, just as all passengers on a downed airliner have nothing in common horoscopicly. The War itself was…

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Physical Appearance

Management of Measurement ConstructsPhysical Appearance To begin with, please let me present some thoughts from pages 47 and 48 in that wonderful(!-) ) book The Creative Astrologer [see “Books”]: “Pride is the antidote to the self-worth crisis. Remediation of self-worth anxiety deals in the main with objective reevaluation of the social profile [please see techniques in Tyl, Synthesis…

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Knowledge is Separate from Talent

Management of Measurement ConstructsKnowledge is separate from Talent How many people do you know who read cookbooks all the time (for fun) but simply don’t do anything in the kitchen? Think of the music critics who know EVERYTHING about opera, for example, but can’t sing a note. Think of all the psychiatrists who have grievous relationship problems!…

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How’s Your Aura?

Management of Measurement ConstructsHow’s Your Aura? A student of mine, in all earnestness, asked me what she should do with people who request her to do their horoscope and expect “entertainment.” –This is an important question for all astrologers just starting out: they are accumulating powerful knowledge if they are well taught and well studied;…

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Measurements for the Modern Astrologer

Management of Measurement Constructs Measurements for the Modern Astrologer I’ve known astrology buffs who can ‘talk astrology’ faster than water can flow over the cliffs of Niagara! I’ve known astrologers who can talk astrology more intricately than they can they’re own native language! And I’ve known many, many hundreds and hundreds of people who have…

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Putting the Horoscope into your Body

Most astrologers are familiar with creative dramatics in acting out one’s horoscope, usually in a seminar/public situation, with your best friend playing Saturn! –In Moscow, last year, I did this with Prince Charles’ horoscope and Diana’s horoscope and gave certain two-line statements to each “planet” to declaim. It was astounding how much emotion developed as…

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The Consultation Horoscope

Management of Measurement Constructs Notebook The Consultation Horoscope It’s uncanny how the horoscope set for the time of the consultation appointment so very, very, very often captures the essence of why the client has made the appointment for the consultation! So often, when a client appears to be late for the appointment or has called in about…

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The Value of Events

Management of Measurement Constructs The Value of Events One of my clients last week, in an update session, looked me straight in the eye and said grimly, “I lost $800,000 in the ENRON situation.” –Such a situation, unfortunately for us astrologers, is like a plane crash or prisoner-of-war experience: accidents in time occur and may…

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