
April 19, 2024

Your Client’s Awareness

Creative Connections & Client CommunicationsYour Client’s Awareness In the “Counseling” Essays archived below, please recall the posting entitled “Patience with your Client’s Unconscious”, February 1, 2002. This installment here is related to that discussion, respecting the internal assimilation, understanding, and settling process that very much busies your client during the astrological consultation. Let us say…

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Managing Anxiety

Creative Connections & Client CommunicationsManaging Anxiety The Time Magazine cover story, June 10, 2002 is on “Understanding Anxiety,” and so are the powerful pages in Synthesis & Counseling in Astrology, 351-365, and 378. Several times in the excellent Time article, the point is studied, “Are some of us just born more nervous than others?” Is anxiety “hardwired in our brains?” The Time report…

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Asking the Surprising Question

Creative Connections & Client CommunicationsAsking the Surprising Question A key modality in the consultation process, bringing the horoscope to the client’s life, is to stimulate disclosure. That’s the only way the astrologer can learn and appreciate the reality being lived by the client. It’s like turning a kaleidoscope: we have all the patterns before our eyes, but…

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Recognizing Limiting Boundaries

Creative Connections & Client CommunicationsRecognizing Limiting Boundaries Author Julian L. Simon ( Good Mood –the New Psychology of Overcoming Depression) writes an entrancing phrase: “Childhood experiences are the colors with which the adult draws pictures of life.” This observation plays easily into the Zen thought that there are no boundaries between the past, present, and future.…

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Assumptive Questioning

Creative Connections & Client CommunicationsAssumptive Questioning This is a short excerpt from The Creative Astrologer—Effective Single-Session Counseling [see “Books” on this website], from the vitally important presentation of questioning techniques (pages 76-78). It is so very, very important, this skill. –I hope you will study this book and learn the techniques well. The fourth [among several key…

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Difficult Reality Motivating New Choice

Creative Connections & Client CommunicationsDifficult Reality Motivating the New Choice The recent TV docudrama about the legendary comedy team of Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis focused upon its ending: the break-up of the fabulous duo after 10 years of astounding success! But was this an ending –and didn’t we all say, lamentably, “How could that…

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The Talent for Asking Questions

Creative Connections & Client Communications The Talent for Asking Questions Please see as well, pages 75-85 The Creative Astrologer and the Archives here below for July 15, 1999,”The Art of Questioning.” This is an exercise for your astrological talent, which you can do watching television! Television newspeople conducting interviews are trying to relate events, utterances, hearsay, rumor,…

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 Are you Really Listening?

Creative Connections & Client Communications Are you Really Listening? It’s magical learning when my students listen to and analyze taped consultations. Beyond the organization of measurement guideline structures into good conversation, presented by the astrologer without one word of technical jargon, there is the feedback from the client: the tone of voice, the word choice, the trust and…

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The Earliest Memory/Suppression

Creative Connections & Client CommunicationsThe Earliest Memory/Suppression We tend to use the word “repression” when we actually mean “suppression”; it’s important to clarify the difference. [Please see Synthesis & Counseling in Astrology, beginning page 651.] Repression, a Freudian concept, is the putting remotely out of the way any idea or association of ideas that is painful, threatening, fearsome. The quantum…

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Wish Fulfillment / Power of Suggestion

Creative Connections & Client Communications Wish Fulfillment / Power of Suggestion Just now, I returned a telephone call left with me yesterday; clearly it was a room at a motel/hotel. The woman who answered the phone launched immediately and emotionally into quite a story. I tried to ignore all the emotional details and listen for…

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