
April 19, 2024

Avoiding Extremes for Common Sense

Creative Connections & Client Communications Avoiding Extremes for Common Sense In the “Notebook” essay posted this month, I refer to “Joan” with her update call about job dissatisfaction. Under the powerful Solar Arc measurement MC=Saturn, she exhibited great unrest, wanted to leave her marvelous job, relocate a considerable distance, and start afresh. Her horoscope did…

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The Last Five Minutes

Creative Connections & Client CommunicationsThe Last Five Minutes I remember vividly playing the first consultation tape for one of Master’s Degree Seminar meetings and being startled that applause, cheering, erupted during the last few sentences of the presentation! I quickly realized that this enthusiasm wasn’t simply appreciative applause for the consultation process, rather, it was…

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More Discussion: Therapeutic Metaphors

Creative Connections & Client Communications More Discussion: Therapeutic Metaphors I’d like to add onto the important theme -see earlier posting under “Notebook, Archives: August 2001”-of therapeutic metaphors. In Hamburg, Germany just recently, I saw 22 clients in four days and I realized again how often such metaphors were used in the consultation. And then again…

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It Berras Consideration!

Creative Connections & Client CommunicationsIt Berras Consideration! Books have been written about Yogi Berra’s extraordinary mis-speaks. The Hall of Fame Yankee catcher is widely on record speaking strangely understandable wisdoms; almost all of them begin with a smile and end with a serious nod of the head (born May 12, 1925, Saturn quindecile Mercury). He…

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Strategic Knowledge and Common Sense

Creative Connections & Client CommunicationsStrategic Knowledge and Common Sense So often I profess, “Planets do nothing; people do things.” This is so important. The astrologer can not sit with her/his client and expect to find answers to life development in terms of planetary bromides. What the planets show for the future are guidelines in time, guidelines to further development from…

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 Lifting Your Client UP!

Creative Connections & Client CommunicationsLifting Your Client UP! The consultation is an emotional experience, not a recitation of axioms, bromides, and conundrums. So much intelligence, memory, understanding, feeling, regret, and hope are compressed into an hour or so. This is SST, single session therapy, at its most intense [see TheCreative Astrologer]. -This doesn’t mean everyone participating within an…

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Patience with your Client’s Unconscious

Creative Connections & Client CommunicationsPatience with your Client’s Unconscious The students in my Master’s Degree Course are armed with powerful insightful tools. Often these tools are formed by special word-combinations (images) that have much proven power in capturing developmental scenarios in the client’s life. Occasionally, one feels timid about using such powerful insightful images in…

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Considerations for the 8th House

Creative Connections & Client CommunicationsConsiderations for the 8th House For any astrologer, the 8th House or the 12th House (or both) are most difficult. Old teaching stories abound: hidden enemies, incarceration, terminal illness for the 12th; death, depravity, inheritance for the 8th. We should take a fresh look at this situation and improve our comfort…

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A Communication Therapy

Creative Connections & Client CommunicationsA Communication Therapy Think of the people you know who have difficulty speaking with feelings, about feelings. They may speak with words and vocal sound lacking the feel of grace, humanity, and empathy, perhaps with minimal humor; nothing but dispassionate descriptions. Perhaps you can include yourself on the list! Not being able to…

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How do you Sound to your Clients?

Creative Connections & Client Communications How do you Sound to your Clients? As I train practicing astrologers practically every working minute of my life, I see so clearly the major hurdle that looms large in development and easily inhibits potentially fruitful, creative, intelligent astrologers from making the grade in client consultation. That hurdle is learning to “talk the horoscope” in people…

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