
April 19, 2024

Common Sense to Center Stage

Creative Connections & Client Communications Common Sense to Center Stage Analysis of a client’s development over years past reveals a model, a routined, predictable model of activity that has been developed into the present and is now projected into the future. The clearly wrought Moon in Scorpio, for example –needing to control everything around him/her…

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Pluto Antidotal

Creative Connections & Client Communications Pluto Antidotal–What can we do with Plutonic pressures?– (Please see the current “Analytical Techniques” essay about natal Pluto in the Houses: it will help with appreciation of this essay.) When Pluto was first discovered, entering our astrological Lexicon (1930), it was given an archetypal reference for power, for empowerment. With…

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Incisive Communication

Creative Connections & Client Communications Incisive Communication Astrologers must learn to speak well, with effect, and make a communication impression upon their client. If we can’t talk, it’s as dysfunctional as not having anything to say! In the essay department “Counseling Insights”, in the Archives (immediately following the current essay), there are some 120 essays about…

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No-Measurement Times

Creative Connections & Client Communications No-Measurement Times What do we do when there are no measurements of note for a client, for, say, the two years ahead? It’s natural for the astrologer to feel that there is “nothing” to hang one’s hat on. And with this thought comes the thought of disappointing the client. -After…

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The Two-Year Clue

Creative Connections & Client Communications .The Two-Year Clueby guest astrologer Lauren Delsack,Lauren Delsack is a Highest Honors graduate of Noel Tyl’s Master’s Degree Certification Course. She is a consulting astrologer and self-published author of How Emotional Conflicts Trigger Disease: An Astrological View. Her website offers free instructive videos, downloadable lectures and workshops in mp3, her eBook, and…

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Removing the Environment

Creative Connections & Client Communications Removing the Environment Almost all of us live within a social encasement of routine: how we have grown to behave becomes set; in the process of fulfilling our needs, we behave in ways that pay off or don’t, but these ways are very similar from situation to situation. Who we…

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Take a Seat! Let’s talk!

Creative Connections & Client Communications Take a Seat; Let’s talk! Very often, the client will understand much, but still remain in a quandary about what to do. Indecision understandably reigns with many large issues; the single-session procedural frame of mind in the astrological consultation needs a boost for impact, with such large decisions. Sometimes as…

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Complimenting your Client

Creative Connections & Client Communications Complimenting your Client There are so many people who have difficulty giving and receiving compliments. These people almost invariably have stressed networks among the 2nd, 5th, 11th, and 8th Houses. In a nutshell, they feel that to pay someone else a compliment diminishes themselves somehow! [This is an enormous socialization…

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Reframing Client Questions

Creative Connections & Client Communications Reframing Client Questions “When will I meet someone?” –Oh my! How frequently the astrologer hears this question, usually at the end of the consultation, when it threatens to topsy-turvy [allow the verb] the consultation. We know that the question emerges from the difficulty of being alone, being without someone with…

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Talking to the Moon!

Creative Connections & Client Communications Talking to the Moon! As the symbol of every individual’s reigning need, that which presses for fulfillment through all our plans, behaviors, and dreams, the Moon in the horoscope is our treasure chest of potentials. How these potentials, this all-pervasive motivational press operates determines who we are; it defines our process of becoming within developmental time.…

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