
April 19, 2024

The Draconic Horoscope at work in Consultation

Creative Connections & Client Communications The Draconic Horoscope at work in ConsultationBy Lauren Delsack Lauren Delsack is a Highest Honors graduate of Noel Tyl’s Master’s Degree Certification Course. She is a consulting astrologer and self-published author of How Emotional Conflicts Trigger Disease – An Astrological View. Her website offers free instructive videos, downloadable lectures and workshops in…

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Not Everything is Astrological

Creative Connections & Client Communications Counseling Insights, November 30, 2008Not Everything is Astrological!–Don’t be afraid of that!! Why do so many astrology students measure incessantly, look for magic measurements somewhere, try to hog-tie human development with the “sure things” of their measured descriptions? –Why don’t they put the miracle measurements they already have to work, to…

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The Sense of Being

Creative Connections & Client CommunicationsThe Sense of Being It’s not unusual for a client to wonder –in one degree of specificity or another– why he or she is alive; to wonder about the reason behind it all. The quandary can take the form of general malaise, of discontent, or ultimately ending it all. It can undermine life…

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Vocational Insights for School Counselors

Creative Connections & Client Communications Vocational Insights for School Counselors The case can be made that vocational profiling is the single most important service astrology can offer a client. One’s vocation makes the individual’s world go ‘round; it establishes identity in so many, many ways. How many people do you know are in the so-called…

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The Rising Lens

Creative Connections & Client Communications The Rising Lens by Guest Astrologer Lauren Delsack Lauren Delsack is a Highest Honors graduate of Noel Tyl’s Master’s Degree Certification Course. She is a consulting astrologer and self-published author of How Emotional Conflicts Trigger Disease – An Astrological View. Her website offers free instructive videos, downloadable lectures and workshops in…

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Managing Miracle Expectations

Creative Connections & Client Communications Managing Miracle Expectations All those great requests astrologers hear —When will I meet my true love?; When will my career take off?, When will my business be bought?—are ego-fulfillment thrusts that are not unreasonable, but they are so often presented for magical, unlikely fulfillment and are very difficult to handle.…

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Framing and Imagination

Creative Connections & Client CommunicationsFraming and Imagination “Framing” is establishing context. With good framing, we set up perspective and values for information. It makes what we say interesting. Recently, I was captive audience to a lady highly enthused about a movie she had seen the night before on television. She proceeded to tell me every detail…

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Creative Connections & Client Communications Smokescreens The concept, the situational label, the accusation of DENIAL is harsh. It is very easy for us to call anything that disagrees with our perception about another person a statement of denial: “You’re in denial; You’re just not owning up to it!” There is reasonability in being antithetically assertive,…

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Making a Difference

Creative Connections & Client Communications Making a Difference It has been said that “making a difference” is the measure of life success; e.g., our presence with others, involvement with work that fulfills us, catalyzing change … all focusing upon making a difference in the world. This need not be historic in record or mega-proportioned in…

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Words of Choice

Creative Connections & Client Communications Words of Choice! When we listen carefully, we hear a lot. A recent client was inquiring about a grown grandchild, with quite a dramatically configured Saturn-Rx complex; I had to discuss this phenomenology within the boy’s father-relationship … but I was talking with the grandfather, not the young man himself.…

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