
April 19, 2024

Open Sesame: with Multiple Quintiles

Creative Connections & Client Communications Open Sesame! With Multiple Quintiles! The quintile is a beguiling connection between planetary symbols of individual potentials. It is beguiling because the fifth harmonic (360/5=72) sings of creative thought and energy –and it really does not matter between what bodies or points the relationship occurs!! This is the first consideration: that they –the…

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Getting out of Dodge!

Creative Connections & Client Communications Getting out of Dodge! ***Note for foreign readers: “Get out of Dodge” is a wild-West cowboy saying: when you are facing trouble, get out of trouble’s way. The reference to “Dodge” is to Dodge City Kansas, the heart of the West, a major cattle-shipment center, and a city famous for…

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Creative Connections & Client Communications Counseling? I can not think of the word ?counselor? without hearing the resounding D-major sweeps from the chorus, ?For unto us a child is born? in Handel?s Messiah, among the words ?and government shall be upon His shoulder; and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father,…

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Thematic Apperception Test

Creative Connections & Client Communications Thematic Apperception Test I like to dramatize how a core sense of horoscope analysis can be established naturally, simply, even if we were to use pebbles in the sand, let alone planets carefully positioned in celestial reality. If we draw a circle in the sand and drop ten stones on…

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The Feelings You Create

Creative Connections & Client Communications The Feelings You Create We can not ignore the fact that people easily and often forget what we have said, but they remember strongly how we made them feel. –We recall feelings more easily and accurately than we recall words. So many times every day, we are asked about our feelings. “How’re you…

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The Holistic View

Creative Connections & Client Communications The Holistic View Literally tens of thousands of measurements –developmental pressures, opportunities—accost us throughout our lives. Most are absorbed by our conditioning, our routinization of responses, our defenses, our social structuring. Just as our mind can wander to another world entirely while we are driving a car, while our motor…

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Rewards establish Meanings

Creative Connections & Client CommunicationsRewards establish Meanings All our thoughts work to assign values to whatever occurs in our world and then to use that information to develop ourselves, to change things. “What does it all mean?” we ask so often. “Why is this as it is?” A client recently inquired most earnestly “Why do…

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Tell me something I don’t know!

Creative Connections & Client Communications Tell Me something I don’t Know!” “Tell me something I don’t know” is a closing section headline used by news commentator Chris Matthews on his NBC television show. –I’ve always been intrigued with how provocative that question is for commentator specialists, political pundits, historians of the current government scene appearing…

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Discussing Vocational Profiles with the Client

Creative Connections & Client Communications Discussing Vocational Profiles with the Client While vocational profiling is perhaps the single most essential service an astrologer can perform for a client, it is also the outlook that can be quite difficult to communicate. We take into consideration the dramatic, stark reality that most people –MOST—are in the wrong profession, in…

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Seeing the Habit

Creative Connections & Client Communications Seeing the Habit So often in consultation, we hear detailed descriptions of a parent’s personality, sometimes explosively depicted. Those images are deeply etched into life memory; they endure within words, feelings, and actions of the present. So often I have then asked the client, “How do you think your mother…

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