
April 18, 2024

The Idiosyncrasies of Venus

Idiosyncrasies of Venus Venus leads our way into relationship, at so many levels, in so many ways. It can be an ultra-sensitive consideration in our behaviors. We address our attitude to life through Venus; our feelings to another person, our idealized concepts involving the world. Through Venus, we seek reflection back to ourselves of who…

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Assessing your own Technique

Stored in this “department,” Analytical Techniques, are 87 essays on horoscope analysis. That’s some 80-85,000 words of highly specific instruction!!! –And those essays work in creative tandem with the 1000-page Professional Manual Synthesis & Counseling in Astrology. And all that works beautifully with the new book, Noel Tyl’s Guide to Astrological Consultation. And all of THAT is…

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In Search of Muhammad

Oh! The swirls of sand protecting the birth date of Muhammad; yet, careful reading of the leading sources for the study of Islam does settle upon 570 as the birth year for this personage, founder of Islam, the world?s second largest and fastest growing religion. Out of those non-literate times and people, we do learn scraps of…

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Framing Future Projections

All astrologers feel they are on thin ice when it comes to articulating future projections. We easily feel stranded. When we look at symbols formed for the future, something seems to stop the traffic of thought. We’re afraid. The reason we feel stranded, alone, insecure is that we forget what has already taken place. Normally, there is…

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Who names the Asteroids Anyway??” by guest astrologer Jacob Schwartz

Who Names the Asteroids Anyway?orUnintentional Astronomer Channelers(But Don’t Tell Them!)By guest astrologer Jacob Schwartz, PhD, Asteroids are named only by astronomers and their designated colleagues. The honor, or the responsibility, to name an asteroid is usually given to the discoverer. The astronomer usually ascribes the name to colleagues, friends, and family, with a minority of…

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Tapping the Horoscope’s Memory!

Yes, the horoscope itself has a memory! There are at least four channels into it, four key ways we see that memory! 1. Points and planets sensitized in the past for the future When a particular planet or point is engaged with a major Arc or transit … and perhaps again a year or two later, a response…

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“Soul Astrology Down to Earth” by guest astrologer Lauren Delsack

Lauren Delsack is a Highest Honors graduate of Noel Tyl’s Master’s Degree Certification Course. She is a consulting astrologer and self-published author of How Emotional Conflicts Trigger Disease – An Astrological View. Her website offers free instructive videos, downloadable lectures and workshops in mp3, her eBook, and astrological commentaries. She can be reached at Email:…

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