
April 18, 2024

Four Ways to See the Parents

Four Ways to See the Parents In rich psychologically sensitive analysis of life development, it is vitally important to study the formative years of life, the modeling impact of the parents upon the young person, the interaction with the parents. There must be varied degrees of developmental tension there; there mustbe; that’s why the Ascendant is…

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Working Knowledgeably with Eclipses

Working Knowledgeably with Eclipsesby Jill Amery Jill Amery is our guest essayist this month and next, dealing with the phenomena of eclipses. Jill is a highest honors graduate of the Noel Tyl Master’s Degree Certification Program. She is a professional astrologer in Magill, South Australia: Solar and lunar eclipses can appear as dynamic catalysts…

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Working Knowledgeably with Eclipses–Part II

Working Knowledgeably with Eclipses–Part IIby Jill Amery Jill Amery is our guest essayist this month and next, dealing with the phenomena of eclipses. Jill is a highest honors graduate of the Noel Tyl Master’s Degree Correspondence Course. She is a professional astrologer in Magill, South Australia: Robert Carl Jansky and Bernadette Brady, in their…

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A Second President Clinton?

A Second President Clinton? It’s a pleasure once again to have Basil Fearrington as guest astrologer here in the Essays section of the website. Basil’s reputation as teacher and consultant shines throughout the nation. He is a leading astrologer indeed. Basil resides in Philadelphia and can be reached at Natal Overview Hillary Clinton was born…

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Illuminating the 6th House

Illuminating the 6th House I find understanding and managing the 6th House in analysis more difficult than dealing with any other House reference. I sense that it has always been problematic to astrologers, judging from the feeble labels frequently put on the 6th House for teaching and analytical guidance, old and new. We see “Servants,…

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11th House Orientation

11th House Orientation The bulk of this essay is reprinted fromThe Creative Astrologer, a text that is oriented to the efficacy of single session therapeutic success. It contains over 700 creative connections to guide us through planetary and aspect symbolisms into deep analysis of the human condition. [See “BOOKS”] High developmental tension to the significator of the…

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Anticipation Period for the Saturn Return

Anticipation Period for the Saturn Return Astrologer Grant Lewi’s important discovery and formulation of the cycle of transiting Saturn has enriched our astrology enormously [Lewi-Astrology for the Millions, Llewellyn Publications; link under “Books”]. As with any maxim, familiarity establishes its worth, it’s assumed, and we then take it for granted! –We know that by looking through…

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Advanced Synthesis: Angular Disorientation

Advanced Synthesis Study–Angular Disorientation– Prerequisite for this study, please see “Analytical Techniques”, November 30, 2003: “Why the Angles are so Important –and some insights about Suicide.” In this man’s horoscope –June 8, 1810 at 9:20 PM, LMT, in Zwickau, Germany [Asc 4 Capricorn 14]— we see extreme pressure on all four Angles: Uranus is tightly conjunct the…

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The Subtle Powers of Mutual Reception

The Subtle Powers of Mutual Reception “Mutual Reception” reminds me of time-share house-swaps: you have an apartment in New York City and want to summer in Florence; someone in Florence wants to come to New York at the same time. The deal is made, you live in each other’s domain, getting very close together without…

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